Anything That You Let Can Grow On You

And why that’s cooler than you think.


Photo by Sandra Grünewald on Unsplash

Life often has a way of challenging our status quo (and more often than not), just because it can — you know, because why not?

And here’s the cool thing about us humans — we’re good at taking it, so long as we let ourselves to.

It’s like low-key exposure therapy for life itself;

We’re capable of growing used to anything that we expose ourselves to — consistently, and long enough.

It could be the simplest of situations that push us to expand our boundaries (or what we thought were boundaries anyway);

And it could be big ones too;

But most importantly, the situations that make us question our ability to take them, are rarely about our abilities at all;

They’re just about going along.

And somewhere along the way, realize that we’ve only come closer to what we feel at comfort with – rather than drifting away from it.

Isn’t that a cool thing?

Especially when we think about things and situations that make us want to curl up and forget about dealing with them at all.

All we need to do is start, and we’ll be well on our way to building new comfort zones before we know it.

This isn’t about why we need to do it, but about truly understanding why it’s not as big a deal as we make it out to be;

Yes, it’ll feel new — until it does not.

Anything that we let ourselves grow into, grows on us too.

The question we should ask while going into a new situation shouldn’t be “Will we be okay with it?”;

Rather it should be “How long are willing to go until we become okay with it?”.

When we give ourselves enough time, we embody versions of ourselves that show us who we’re meant to be — and that’s far more than we limit ourselves to.

So be it a small lifestyle change such as switching to decaf, or a major shift such as having to move to a country that you’re unsure about — know that it will grow on you, as long as you let it — and more importantly, it can be a fun journey at best, and a funnier anecdote at worst.



Chandrika Bhattacharya
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I read to learn, grow, and evolve. I write to share thoughts on transforming into better versions of ourselves.