Why You Need to Believe There Can Be Better Than the Best You’ve Had

Never underestimate the possibility of being surprised by life.


Photo by Aryan Ram on Unsplash

Life is good at showing us how strangely it functions, especially when we are convinced of the regularity of it.

It takes a moment to change everything we’ve believed to be true so far, and sometimes, much to our relief!

But here’s the thing — all of that happens when we let it;

When we let ourselves hope for more to happen;

When we let ourselves go after more that can happen;

When we let ourselves believe that we can have better even though we think we’ve already had the best.

It’s human to want to cling on to the experiences that have meant something special to us, and while we can continue to cherish how much it meant to us — we still owe ourselves exploring beyond them.

Our ‘favourites’ and our ‘bests’ can continue to hold a place in our heart, while still making place for our ‘new favourites’ and ‘new bests’.

By believing that we can experience better than the best we’ve had, we don’t show disloyalty to our present versions, but simply build respect for our future ones.

It sure feels nice to stay with what we already know and have experienced, but it doesn’t do justice to everything we might let in if we try.

Life’s so much more than the best birthday we’ve ever had, or our favourite hot chocolate from our favourite café — and we will never know what our heart can hold if we don’t give it a chance to hold anything more than what it already does.

Our ‘next’ is always worth a shot — all that matters is we walk towards it knowing there might be a possibility of it surprising us in ways we never thought of.

When we move towards something by genuinely believing that it can be better than what we’ve already had, we experience life for it was meant to be experienced — one full of possibilities.



Chandrika Bhattacharya
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I read to learn, grow, and evolve. I write to share thoughts on transforming into better versions of ourselves.